FOREA Educational Scholarships

We are committed to unlocking the potential of our highly capable students by awarding merit-based scholarships. Our merit-based Student Educational Scholarships are open to second year and advance standing students and are designed to recognize and reward those who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement. With our financial assistance, we hope to help talented students succeed and reach their full potential.
2024 Application Portal Is Closed
Read the directions carefully. Applications are due by midnight CDT June 1, 2024. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Link to apply can be found below.
FOREA Educational Scholarships are available to incoming second year and advanced standing students enrolled in an AOC or COC orthoptic/vision science program and graduating in 2025.
This year FOREA will be awarding scholarships totaling $12,500, the majority of which will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
If you are an incoming first year student with a program start date in 2024, you are not eligible for FOREA Educational Scholarships. You are eligible for the Arlene E. Stearns Memorial Scholarship.
Students may apply for funding for expenses including, but not limited to:
Matriculation in an Orthoptic Training Program
Attendance at regional, national, or international Orthoptic meetings, including but not limited to:
AAPOS, WSPOS, IOA or ISA meetings
Tuition for online educational opportunities
Other acceptable educational opportunities
Reference Letters
Two letters of reference are required.
Program Director Letter of Reference​
One letter MUST come from your current Orthoptic/Vision Science Program Director.
Please give your program director this Letter for Program Director Referees
This letter outlines the information the Committee requires to support your application.​
In addition to a letter or recommendation, your program director is required to fill out the following questionnaire.
Directions on how to submit surveys and referee letters can be found in this letter.
Second Letter of Reference
Your second letter of recommendation should be a professional letter of recommendation and must come from someone outside your orthoptic training program. Please give your second referee this Letter for Referees.
Information for Students
2024 FOREA Educational Schoolarship Application
Read the directions carefully. Partial applications will not be accepted.
Application deadline is Midnight CDT June 1, 2024
Any Questions can be addressed to:
Carole M. Panton, CO, OC(C) at
Chair - FOREA Educational Scholarship Committee
Interested in supporting FOREA's Scholarship Program and Future Orthoptists?