The Foundation for Orthoptic Research and Education in the Americas awards two types of grants. The Educational Travel Grant and a Research Grant. More information on each can be found below.

Travel Grant
FOREA awards travel grants to scientific and educational congresses in North America. To be eligible, candidates must be scheduled to participate in a national orthoptic conference by delivering an oral presentation. Only the first author/speaker is eligible to apply. Grants will be awarded on a combined merit and financial need basis to Certified Orthoptists who are full members in good standing of either the AACO or TCOS. Applications will be judged by a panel of North American orthoptists. Merit will be judged by the quality of the submitted abstract. Financial needs will be judged by the level of employer support for educational travel at the applicant’s institution.
Research Grant
The Foundation for Orthoptic Research and Education in the Americas (FOREA) Research Grant Program aims to provide funding and support to North American Certified Orthoptists who plan to do a small short-term research project addressing a clinical question or challenge in pediatric ophthalmology, strabismus, binocular vision, or eye movements.